Friday, April 20, 2012

A Mother's Day Tribute to my Mother

I thank you mom for all the times you made me get up to watch the sun rise.
  I learned about the magnificent glory of God and the order of the universe.                                                                                                                                                                                                        

I thank you mom for all the times you made me help in the vegetable garden
and canning for the winter.
I learned about nature and the future which depended on the harvest.

I thank you mom for all the times you made me sit in church on Sunday.
I learned about God and self-discipline, even if the sermons were
boring, as they sometimes were.

I thank you mom for all the times you stood your ground and dared
to say no when my pleas and whines were not in my best interest.

I thank you mom for all the times you made me work by your side.
I learned to give a full day’s work, even if the wages were unfair.
I learned responsibility and the work ethic.

I thank you mom for making me the person I became.
You were always my guardian angel.

I thank you most for your unconditional love.
I was blessed to be touched by you.

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